Stan Harms, James Ager, Frank Walton, Karrol Herman: these four people are responsible along with Kim Richards for making Butte County the largest pot production county in South Dakota. They not only allowed 15 applications to be approved before there was even a law out of Pierre for “medical” marijuana, but when it was time for renewal, all of the establishments that were breaking state law 34-20g along with our Butte county cannabis ordinance 2021-02 were given variances to keep all the business operating. The state’s attorney, LeEllen McCartney, brushed all of the state and county violations under the rug and advised the county commissioners to approve all of the establishments even if they were in violation of numerous laws.
I know there are some people out there that don’t like what I’m doing and that’s fine. I don’t care. But please look into the county commissioners actions before you judge me on what I’m doing you might just see why.